Our First Occupational Health and Safety Seminar for Hongkongers in the UK: Union Experts Offer Guidance on Handling Workplace Issues

1 min read

This month, thanks to the support of UNISON, we hosted an online seminar titled “What You Need to Know About Occupational Health and Safety” for Hongkongers who have relocated to the UK. UNISON arranged for its occupational health and safety expert to provide participants with essential knowledge on workplace safety in the UK. The online seminar covered employers’ responsibilities under UK labour laws and the proper procedures for dealing with workplace injuries.

In the UK, workplace injuries are not limited to physical harm or fatalities caused by occupational accidents. Psychological trauma, such as verbal abuse or threats from clients or colleagues, is also recognized under workplace protection. Employers have a responsibility to address these issues from an occupational health and safety perspective, ensuring that employees are protected from such harm.

Jon Donnelly, the National Officer from UNISON’s Occupational Health and Safety team, emphasized the significance of psychological trauma caused by verbal abuse in workplace safety, particularly for members working in healthcare and public service sectors. “This kind of trauma is not something that can be ignored when it comes to occupational safety,” he stated.

Jon explained that under UK law, employers are responsible for providing a safe working environment for their employees. If employees have concerns about workplace safety, they are encouraged to report them to the union’s occupational health and safety representatives. These union representatives are authorized to regularly inspect workplace safety conditions, investigate complaints related to occupational health, and examine the causes of workplace accidents. Employers are also required to consult union representatives on safety arrangements in the workplace.

In cases of workplace injury, employees can seek assistance from the union’s health and safety representatives when filing a claim. The union representative will guide them step by step through the claims process. Jon urged participants to join a union as soon as possible, as most unions are governed by rules that require members to be part of the union for a certain period before the union can assist with claims.

During the seminar, Jon also addressed numerous questions from Hongkongers in the UK regarding occupational health and safety, such as the procedures for reporting workplace injuries and calculating pay during statutory sick leave.